Anthony Weiner, who is running for mayor of New York City, was caught yet again in a sexting scandal on Tuesday.
The new scandal came to light after gossip website The Dirty, revealed sext messages, and a image of Weiner’s crotch that it said the mayor hopeful exchanged with an unidentified woman. Weiner confirmed that the sext messages and crotch shot were sent by him, but he claims that, “this is entirely behind me.” Weiner claims that the sext messages in this recent scandal are from last summer, reports The Washington Post.
Different from Weiner’s last sexting scandal is the involvement of his wife, Huma Abedin.
“I love him, I have forgiven him, I believe in him,” and the sexting matter is “between us,” Abedin told The Washington Post.
Despite an editorial from The New York Times and call outs from other mayor rivals urging Weiner to drop out of the race, he says he will continue to run for mayor. Weiner says he hopes the people of New York are willing to give him another chance, reports The Washington Post.
Weiner announced in May that he would be running for New York City mayor.
Adopted from InvestorPlace by William White
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