When you are rich, everything is really possible. You can go wherever you want to go and you can buy whatever you want to buy. When you have lots of money, you can definitely buy anything that is so expensive. You do not have to think over and over again whether you really need that thing or not since you have lots of money to spend. Money really matters in this world because if you do not have any money, you will surely suffer from hunger and scarcity. The way you look and the things you wear will surely tell everybody that you have lots of money since people with so much money will really buy those very expensive things for themselves. The society really judge a person whether he or she has plenty of money through the way they dress and through the things they wear. Rich people will only buy expensive things, thus here are top 10 most expensive things that only rich and wealthy people can buy without hesitant.
When you are a businessman, you will really make sure that you are getting the best out of everything. If you are smart enough, then there is no reason that you will fail in building real estate business in Tokyo, Japan. It is said that Tokyo, Japan is the most expensive city in the world, thus it is also very expensive in handling businesses in this country since it reaches up to $1,200 for every square meter of your real estate business.
Are you planning for a romantic night getaway with your love one? It would really sounds great and feels so romantic if you try to stay in Royal Villa at Grand Resort Lagonissi in Greece. It is said that this is the most expensive hotel in the world, thus this is also one of the most expensive expenditures in the world. You will surely enjoy your $50,000 stay per night in this hotel.
You cannot really find another brilliant taste of wine other than this Chateau Lafite 1787. This is actually the most expensive wine in the world that is also included in the most expensive things in the world. The price of this wine really reaches up to $160,000. You will surely be lucky enough if you get to have a great sip of this wine.
When going around downtown, most people really wear their favorite perfume. A long lasting smell would really be so perfect for a romantic date and for special occasions. If you are looking for something that is very scented, Clive Christian Perfume is the one that you are looking for. All you need to have is $215,000 in order to purchase one of these perfumes.
Do you know about the most expensive laptop in the world? Without a doubt, most people would definitely say that they do not really know the most expensive laptop in the world. There are lots of advantages that you will get from this Luvaglio One Million Dollars Laptop compare to those other laptops. This is really one of the most expensive things in the world since it reaches up to $1,000,000 for just a laptop.
Cars are really one of the best things that a rich person can have. There are different brands and types of cars that are really expensive. When you really want to be famous for your riches, try to have this Bugatti Veyron since this is the most expensive car in the world, thus this is one of the most expensive things that is sold in this world. The price of this car really reaches up to $1.7 million.
Wondering how expensive is the most expensive shoes in the world? You will be shocked to know that the most expensive pair of shoes is about $3,000,000. This ruby slippers from house of Harry Winston that designed by Ronald Winston is the most expensive shoes in the world. This slipper has 4,600 rubies weighing 1,350k, thus this ruby slippers is one of the most expensive thing in this world.
If you love gadgets, then you will surely be amazed with this most expensive cellphone in this world, which is the Goldstricker iPhone. This phone is coming from top Flash maker Stuart Gaines. The phone contains 22 size of 271 gram of precious metal to case the phone. He also put 53 gems on the logo and replaced the standard home button with 7.1 carat pure diamonds. All these accessories really make the phone reaches up to $3.2 million.
Most people really want to wear elegant watches. The prices of the watches really vary on the materials that was made of. This most expensive watch for women will really costs you spend $25 million since this is made up of 201K diamonds in different colors from lilac, blue, yellow-colored and white. There is no doubt that this watch is one of the most expensive things in the world.
When looking for a house, what do you usually want to know about that house? For many, it would definitely be the price of that house. Rich people really seek for a house that is so nice and very unique. They do not really care about the price of that house. This house that is found in Antilla, Mumbai in India is the most expensive house in the world, thus this is also the most expensive thing in the world since you cannot have this house without a billion in your pocket.
Adopted from 10-most story by sandra
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