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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Haunted Places in America That You Should Know

Do you watch every television show about paranormal activity or haunted places? Do you also absolutely love Halloween because you love to visit haunted houses and learn about truly haunted areas near you? If you’re into being scared and exploring haunted land, then there are quite a few haunted places in America that you should consider visiting. While some of these are quite famous, there are many not well known places that are hidden gems.

1. Farrar Schoolhouse in Maxwell, Iowa

The Farrar school was created in 1922 due to a donation of farmland from C.G. Geddes. This school remained open until May 3, 2002, which is when it closed for good. The school has four levels and 17,000 square feet, but it’s not a typical closed down school. Now it’s become a place that most people in the area fear due to the paranormal activity that has been seen and heard behind closed doors. People who have toured the school have taken pictures of what they believe to be paranormal entities, and some have even experienced events that they cannot explain.

2. Shanghai Tunnels in Portland, Oregon

These tunnels were used from 1870 to 1940 as ways for abductors to sell men to ship captains. The captains would use these men as laborers on their ships without paying them, as the men would have no way to escape. This was known as “shanghaiing” and it struck fear for men in the area. Many men died in the tunnels due to being held captive before they were sold, and it’s believed many of them haunt the tunnels today. You can take a tour of the tunnels when you’re in Portland, if you are brave enough!

3. Ashmore Estates in Ashmore, Illinois

Ashmore Estates is a former psychiatric hospital that closed around twenty years ago. When residents in the area found that the building had been abandoned they decided to explore within the walls. Here they experienced a number of paranormal situations that drew quite a bit of local attention to the estate. As more people began breaking in, the building went up for sale and was purchased. Then, in 2006, it was made into a haunted house that now attracts locals while discouraging trespassers.

4. The Whaley House in San Diego, California

In 1857 Thomas Whaley created his family estate in San Diego, but he built it on unholy ground. The estate was created in an area where criminals were executed. Many members of the Whaley family died in the home naturally and due to suicide, and it’s now believed to be haunted by their spirits. Visitors can go to the home, and many who have gone inside have seen paranormal activity and heard things they can’t explain.

5. Magnolia Manor in Bolivar, Tennessee

For 25 years people have believed that this home, which is now a bed and breakfast spot, is haunted. The Miller family lived here for three generations and it’s believed that many spirits from members of the family still haunt it today. In addition to this, many ghost hunters agree that there are spirits there from the Civil War. There are tours here, but you can also stay at the bed and breakfast if you want to experience a haunting for yourself.

6. McRaven Home in Vicksburg, Mississippi

This home was built back in 1797 and has survived wars along with many unfortunate events. One notable event happened in 1836 when Elizabeth Howard passed away during childbirth in one of the bedrooms. It’s believed she still haunts the house today, as many people have experienced paranormal activity in that room. The home did deteriorate throughout the years, but it was restored in 1960 by the Bradway family. This is when it was opened for tours for anyone wanting to experience a historical home in the area. While taking these tours people experienced hauntings, which could be from a number of people who died on the property. Currently the home is closed for tours and is up for sale for 1.75 million dollars.

7. Old South Pittsburg Hospital in South Pittsburg, Tennessee

This hospital opened in 1959 and closed in 1998. When it did close, people who lived in the area noticed strange things happening. They reported everything from voices outside to black shadows walking around inside. Many people also saw lights shining inside, even when there weren’t break-ins. The people who did illegally break in experienced noises and happenings that they couldn’t explain. There are tours and overnight stays now available, if you want to experience this for yourself while you’re in Tennessee!

Adopted from oddtale


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