Sabrina Rodriguez, who presents for Fox 40 in Sacramento, California, was shooting a teaser for a report on the Lodi Grape Festival on September 12 when the cheeky monkey seized his chance and clamped his paw on her right breast.
Ever the professional, Ms Rodriguez carried on her piece unruffled and attempted to make a joke of it, telling viewers, 'he's trying to cop a little bit of a feel'.
But despite her best efforts, Mickey refused to remove his paw and, looking rather pleased with himself, continued groping her as she wrapped up the broadcast.
Keeping as straight a face as possible, she finished her segment with the sign off: "join us soon when we'll be learning a bit about why baboons like grapes'.
But seconds later he clambered behind her, put one paw on her shoulder and with the other seized his chance to go in for a grope, all while brazenly staring down the camera with a toothy grin.
Managing to keep her calm, albeit with a nervous giggle, Ms Rodriguez carried on her piece like a stalwart as the camera panned away from her face and the baboon's cheeky antics.
Later asked if the baboon was showing its teeth because it was mad or smiling, Rodriguez responded, "I'm gonna go with smiling."
Ms Rodriguez, 29, is an Emmy award winning TV news reporter and covers the north California area for Fox 40.
The show aimed to show how social baboons are - something Mickey managed to get across quite well in his few seconds on screen.
Mickey, the star of the show, has already found international fame appearing next to Tom Cruise in the film Rock of Ages released in 2012.
According to the film's director, Tom Cruise was quite taken with the baboon who was just as cheeky on that set.
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