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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ten Animals That People Eat ALive

There are so many things that we do not expect that will happen in our lives. The behavior of every person really depends on the culture and the environment that they grew-up with. Your actions in dealing with the environment really depends on the people around you. If you are living in a town or a place where people eat raw foods, then probably, there is no harm for you to do so. In fact, this is really true to other cities. There are really cities that serve and eat raw foods on the table. This is really on of the interesting facts that you should know in this world since not all people can really take this kind of reality. If this is new to you, then here are the top ten most animals that people eat alive.

10. Sannakji

This is a dish that was served in some of the restaurants in Korea. This dish is actually made up of live octopus, thus this is one of the most animals that people eat alive. You will surely find this food all over in Korea since this is a famous dish that have circulated online. This dish is seasoned with sesame seeds and sesame oil, which makes it more delicious and yummy. This dish wouldn’t be completed without the nakji, which is the small octopus.

9. Sea Urchins

People who live near the sea are most likely the ones who love to scrape and eat the edible part of the sea urchin. Most people really testified that sea urchins are one of the animals that can be eaten alive, thus there is no need to cook. In fact, this has become a popular practice in Italy, where people go into the sea to collect their own sea urchins and eating them straight away.

8. Odori Ebi

This food is a type of sashimi that contains a baby shrimp. Just like eating some other kind of shrimps, you also need to remove its shell, and sometimes its head as well. These food can be deep fried and served alongside the rest of the shrimp, which its legs and antennae are still moving while being eaten. This is really an usually thing for other, but this is one of the animals that people eat alive.

7. Drunken Shrimp

This is another recipe of live animals that are serve on the table. This dish originated in China, thus this is not always served alive. This would definitely be served alive in a bowl of Baijiu, a drink with forty to sixty percent alcohol content. The shrimp are far more active to the extent that they jump around.

6. Noma Salad

Noma is the best restaurant in Copenhagen that serve this amazing kind of salad. Indeed, when you say salad, this is made up of raw veggies and fruits. But this restaurant makes it more interesting, they put live ants on their salad, which are chilled so that they move slower, and which are supposed to taste like lemongrass.

5. Casu Marzu

Have you ever imagined yourself eating some maggots? Casu Marzu will definitely bring you to this exciting experience. This food is a traditional Sardinin cheese made from sheep’s milk. The cheese is serve to a stage that some consider to be decomposition. Larvae of the cheese fly are brought to the cheese to help break down its fats, thus some people are advised to cover their eyes since the maggots can leap out.

4. Frog Sashimi

When looking for something exotic, most people would likely choose eating some frogs. Well this time, this is much different since this frog dish is eaten raw. In fact one of the most animals that most people eat alive are frogs. Frog Sashimi is a dish where live frogs are taken out and sliced open on a cold platter.

3. Ikizukuri

“Ikizukuri” means to serve alive.This is another type sashami that is made up of fish. When a costumer selected its fish, the chef will gut it and serve it alive with all the surrounding spices. Most people really love to see this fish while they are eating since they can still see the heart beat of the fish.

2. Ying Yang Yu

This is a dish where the main component is a fish. Yin and yang refers to “dead and alive fish,” thus it is very clear that this dish is served fresh. This is served with sweet and sour sauce, with the fish still completely alive and the head still moving. The fish is still alive for a full thirty minutes when served.

1. Oysters

Recipes with oysters are definitely very delicious. Most people really love to eat them alive. In fact, they are served live more often because they deteriorate much faster than most other animals when dead. Oysters begin to die Once the shell is open and the flesh is separated from the shells. This is actually the most animals that people eat alive.

Adopted from 10-most story by sandra 



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