While Steve Rogers is making most of the headlines right now after releasing the first trailer for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, another Marvel movie property is preparing to make headlines next week by releasing its first trailer.
That other Marvel movie is Fox's X-Men Days of Future Past.
Releasing its new trailer on Tuesday October 29, the next X-Men ensemble film also released new movie images to both Entertainment Weekly and Empire Magazine. Check out those new images below, along with a look at the seconds of footage teasing the new trailer at the very end of this post.
X-Men: Days Of Future Past features the return of director Bryan Singer to the film franchise he helped launch 13 years ago with the release of the first X-Men movie. Based on the popular and influential “Days Of Future Past” story by Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin — originally published in Uncanny X-Men #141-142 — the film tells a time traveling story in which the X-Men send Wolverine to the past to stop a historical event that would have a devastating impact on the futures of both man and mutant alike.
Starring Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart, John McAvoy Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin and more, X-Men: Days Of Future Pastarrives in theaters May 23, 2014.

And here's the quick sneak peek video...
And here goes the trailer that you all have been waiting for
Sources :Agency
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